Everything you Need to Know About the Pass Plus Scheme
19 Jan 2020

Most people believe that once they have passed their test that they have learned everything there is to learn about driving. Although you can now get on the roads with ease, a Pass Plus Scheme can further your learning even more. New drivers take the Pass Plus Scheme in order to better themselves as drivers and become more confident on the road. Let’s take a look at what the scheme entails.
What is the Pass Plus Scheme?
Drivers can gain an extra driving qualification by taking the Pass Plus scheme. The course allows you to gain more practical experience by dealing with unfamiliar driving situations. In the process of getting your driving license, you will learn the vast majority of driving knowledge, but there are additional things you can learn – Pass Plus covers these and more. The idea of Pass Plus is to reduce your risk of being in an accident whilst on the road. Not only will this make your driving experience safer, but your insurance provider will see you as less of a risk, thus potentially lowering your insurance premium depending on your provider.
What is Covered in the Pass Plus Scheme?
The primary focuses of a Pass Plus Scheme are as follows:
- Driving in town – Although this is covered in normal driving courses, Pass Plus tackles this area in much more detail. Drivers predominantly drive in town areas, so confidence in driving here is key.
- Driving on rural roads – Bad road accidents occur frequently on small, rural roads. People like to drive fast on these roads as they cannot see oncoming cars. Luckily, taking the Pass Plus Scheme will assist you in avoiding these scenarios.
- Driving on the motorway – Normal driving courses do not touch upon motorway driving in the slightest. When you bear in mind how many people drive on motorways, (and not to mention the speeds cars move at) driving on the motorway without practice could prove fatal.
- Driving on a dual carriageway – Many dual carriageways have very high-speed limits and often small lanes. Covering this section in detail will not only inform your insurance that you can drive on a dual carriageway, but you will become more confident driving on them also.
- Driving in bad weather – We would recommend avoiding driving in any poor weather conditions. Not only is visibility reduced, but braking distances are at least doubled. However, sometimes you will not have a choice but to drive. A Pass Plus scheme teaches you the rights and wrongs of driving in different weather conditions.
- Driving at night – Although you will have headlights, driving at night will massively reduce your visibility. Some roads don’t even have streetlights, so becoming familiar with night-time driving could prove pivotal.
Pass Plus Pricing
The pricing for your course can depend on which instructor you use. Generally speaking, a Pass Plus course will cost between £100 and £180 across the UK. The full price of your course can also be discounted depending on your local council. Check to see if your local council is listed on the government’s website to see if they can reduce the pricing of your training.
For more information on Pass Plus Schemes, contact Beverley