4 Tips For Driving in Hot Weather
16 Aug 2022

Since the UK has been experiencing extreme heat this summer, this has raised a lot of questions and concerns. One concern that people have is about driving during hot weather.
Is it safe to do so? What safety precautions can I take? If you’re amongst the many car owners having these concerns then don’t worry, we’ve put together a list of tips on how to stay safe and cool when driving in hot weather.
Park in shaded areas where possible
A great way to keep your car cool during this extra hot weather is to park in places hidden from the sun. If you can, keep your car in your garage this summer or park in a shaded area near your house. By doing this, your car will be a little cooler when you enter it as opposed to leaving it out in the hot sun!
Alternatively if leaving your car in a shaded area isn’t an option for you, try putting your air conditioning on for a few minutes before you need to leave. This will significantly cool your car down and make it more bearable to begin your journey!
Ensure you’re topped up on coolant
Cooling your car’s engine down is vital during hot weather. One way to do this is by keeping your car topped up on engine coolant. If you find that your coolant levels are low then filling your tank up again is a priority.
Extreme heat can damage your engine and car significantly. This is why it’s important to check your coolant levels to ensure your car is running safely.
Check your tyre pressure
Extreme heat like what we’ve been experiencing in the UK this summer can cause your tyres to pop! This is because heat increases the pressure in your tyres and too much pressure could lead to a burst. It’s important to check your tyres are at an optimum pressure before you start driving.
Stay Hydrated on The Road
One very important thing to remember when driving in hot weather is to stay hydrated! As the temperature rises across the country, it’s important for everyone to be drinking lots of water regularly.
If you’re planning on driving in this weather, taking enough water for the length of your journey is essential. The last thing you want when you’re behind the wheel in this heat is to become dehydrated.
If driving in bad weather conditions is something that makes you anxious, take our pass plus course! Our pass plus course is designed to make you a more confident driver, no matter the weather.
Feel free to contact the team at Beverly Slater today for any enquiries.